2008年1月24日 星期四

八甲田山 Jan. 14 2004

Some tourists told me that the red leaves are much more beautiful on one day before. Luckily when we left the peak and went back to Aomori city by bus, we saw so many red leaves near 酸ヶ湯温泉, therefore we got off the bus at once and took some photos, and then took another bus back to Aomori city.
酸ヶ湯温泉附近的紅葉 Oct. 14 2004
奥入瀬渓流 (Oirase stream)Oct. 13 2004

viewing outside through the cable car's window

cable car terminal at the peak

map of walking routes

cable car information

the information of the park at the peak

井戶岳(left) ; 大岳 (right)

fell on the ground because of not looking out the steps

the canteen at the peak of Kakkoda

our lunches

scenery outside the canteen - viewing towards the city Aomori (right top position)

scenery outside the canteen - Aomori cityand the bay are at the left middle poistion.
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日本紅葉之旅 - 二零零四年十月

r eference:
バーチャル自然公園 : http://www.vmas.kitasato-u.ac.jp/Natural/home.htm
八甲田山系の写真集 : http://www.htv-net.ne.jp/~hakkoo/ph_cover01.htm
八甲田山 : http://www.city.aomori.aomori.jp/kanko/kaib01.html
八甲田ロープウェー : http://www.hakkoda-ropeway.jp/
十和田国立公園総合案内所 : http://www.towadako.or.jp/
Weather information in Japan : http://weather.jal.co.jp/en/spot/spot_towadako.html
国民宿舎十和田湖温泉 : http://www.laketowada.co.jp/
十和田湖冬物語 : http://www.lakeship-towada.co.jp/sub5.html
八甲田山ガイドくらぶ : http://www.towada.co.jp/hc1.htm

