2007年9月24日 星期一

My PC is malfunction

It happened on 21st September 2007.The problem may come from the power supply or main board. I consider whether I buy another one or repair it.I started to use it in year 2000.

This blog will be updated until I have had a new PC or the repaired PC                   

2007年9月19日 星期三

It looks like the fly.
Its size is bigger.
Its length is approximately 3cm.
I found it at the Wan Tin Path near Shue Yan University, Braemar Hill,North Point,Hong Kong Island.

2007年9月18日 星期二

CSG 7916 - 社區園圃開學日

There are 50 fields in total, 42 at upper level, 8 at lower level.
There are 8 fields for demonstration.
We sowed the beetroot seed.

main entrance

Hong Kong Japanese Middle/Secondary School(back)


Shue Yan University (back)

Japan - 9 Oct. 2004

We took a midnight train from Asahikawa(旭川) to Wakkanai(稚内), arriving at around 7:00.
In the morning we join a local tour to Wakkanai park(稚内公園) near Wakkanai JR train station (稚内駅)and(宗谷岬) .
You can buy the local tour ticket at the bus terminal near the Wakkanai train station. It takes 3 minutes walk from the train station.
After lunch at the restaurant near the JR train station, we got into a ship to Rebun(礼文島). An Island on the west coast of the Wakkanai(稚内). Another Island Rishiri(利尻島).
Rishiri Island(利尻島) is the next place we will visit.
東日本海フェリー株式会社(稚内 -礼文島 -利尻島) http://www.kaiferry.co.jp/index.html
稚内観光資料 http://city.hokkai.or.jp/~waka-cmn/
礼文島観光資料 http://www.dosanko.co.jp/rebun/
利尻島観光資料 http://www.town.rishiri.hokkaido.jp/kankou/

Wakkanai Train station

the coastal view near the Rebun/Rishiri - Wakkanai ferry pier

top of the Wakknai park

view at 宗谷岬 coastal line

view at 宗谷岬 coastal line

日本之最北 - 宗谷岬,稚内,北海道

different types of flowers near the Peach Rock (桃岩) at Rebun Island

Peach Rock(桃岩)(right) at Rebun Island

sea view near Peach Rock (桃岩)

the bath room

the room

dinner at the 民宿

a view in the morning from the room, it was very cool.

breakfast on October 10, 2004

we stayed at here (民宿)

2007年9月17日 星期一

Japan - 8 Oct. 2004

the room we slept last night

the loft

the house we lived

美瑛ポテトの丘Youth Hostel restaurant

美瑛ポテトの丘Youth Hostel restaurant

having the breakfast in side the restaurant

main entrance of 美瑛ポテトの丘Youth Hostel

Japanese girl(left), Youth Hostel staff(centre), me

main entrance of the Ashahiyama Zoo at Ashahikawa, Hokkaido

zoo map



northpole bear
