2007年2月8日 星期四

Walk a mile for onsen in Yoichi (余市,北海道) (4/2/2006)

It is the first try on onsen in town.
When we arrived Yoichi JR train Station, in the tourist information counter, we asked where the nearest onsen was.
We took 30 minutes walk to the onsen, feeling that it was a long way as the snow was quite big.
At last we , with warm bodies, returned to Sapporo and visited the Snow Festival.
Sapporo ( 札幌 ) --- ~ 50 min. (by train) --- Otaru ( 小樽 ) --- ~ 25 min. (by train) --- Yoichi (余市,北海道) --- ~30 min.(on foot) --- onsen

Japan Nation Tourist Organization : http://www.jnto.go.jp/

Otaru( 小樽 ) : http://map.yahoo.co.jp/pl?sc=3&lat=

Yoichi(余市,北海道) :
混浴の温泉 : http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ue3t-cb/subindex/subindex_mixedbathing.htm

Does it feel cold?

The whisky factory/company is near the train station

Yoichi JR train station

walk........ walk................. walk

It is so nice

onsen in town

A report

