2007年2月15日 星期四

A walk at Sir Cecil's ride

There are so many entrances and exits in this path - Sir Cecil's ride.
One end of it meets the mid way of Mount Parker road, the other end meets the Wong Nai Chung Gap road.
Today, the section, I walk, is from Braemar Hill, North Point to the Mount Parker road. It takes 30 minutes.
I had the breakfast ( Chicken rice with green tea ) at Yoshinoya, and the lunch ( Chasiu noodle ) at food court in Taikoo Shing Mall.
Hong Kong country park information:

Chicken rice with green tea at Yoshinoya near Fortress Hill MTR exit

Sir Cecil's ride

Kornhill residential area near Taikoo MTR exit

The junction of Sir Cecil's ride and Mount Parker road

Taikoo Shing residential area

Chinese New Year 2007 event inside Taikoo Shing Mall

Lunch - Chasiu noodle at a food court in Uny department store, Taikoo Shing mall

