I saw three Rhodoleia trees by the side of the Mount Parker road at Tai Tam Country Park(Quarry Bat extension). A tree 2.2m in height is near Tai Fung Au(Gap), Two trees below 3.3m in height near the lower section of the road - one of them is in purple colour flowers.
紅花荷 (紅苞木、吊鐘王)
Rhodoleia championii Hook. f.
英文名 (English name): Rhodoleia
中國境內現狀:易危 (VU)
Status in China: Vulnerable (VU)
形態特徵: 常綠小喬木。葉厚革質,卵形,長7-13厘米,寬4.5-6.5厘米,先端鈍或略尖,基部闊楔形,具3出脈,上面亮綠色,下面灰白色,無毛;葉柄長3-5.5厘米。假頭狀花序腋生,長3-4厘米,常下垂;苞片卵圓形,大小不等,有褐色柔毛;萼筒短,先端截平;花瓣匙形,紅色,長2.5-3.5厘米,寬6-8毫米。頭狀果序寬約3厘米,具蒴果5個;蒴果長1.2厘米。
Description: Evergreen small trees. Leaves thickly leathery, ovate, 7-13 cm long, 4.5-6.5 cm wide, apex obtuse or slightly acute, base broadly cunneate, base tri-nerved, upper surface green, glossy, lower surface glaucous, glabrous; petiole 3-5.5 cm long; Inflorescences pseudanthial heads, axillary, 3-4 cm long, usually pendulous; flowers bisexual, bracts ovate, unequal, brown pilose; calyx-tube short, apex truncate; petals spoon-shaped, red, 2.5-3.5 cm long, 6-8 mm wide. Infrutescence about 3 cm wide, 5-capsuled; capsule 1.2 cm long.
Distribution: Aberdeen and Shing Mun Country Parks. Also in Guangdong.
Habitat and ecology: In forest. Flowering: Mar.-Apr.
This species was first discovered in a woodland behind the Little Hong Kong (now Aberdeen) in 1948 in Hong Kong. The bell-like pseudanthial heads compose of red flowers make this species as a very attractive ornamental. All the localities of its occurrence are within Country Parks under protection. The species has also been listed as protected species under the Forestry Regulations (Cap. 96 sub. leg.). AFCD has been actively propagating this plant and reintroducing it into the wild. Ex-situ conservation has also been carried out and living specimens are planted in the Shing Mun Arboretum and Country parks.
參考文獻 (References):
張宏達,1987:廣東植物誌1:155,圖171。 廣東科技出版社,廣州。
Herklots, G.A.C., 1953: Food and Flowers 3: 1-29.
Thrower, S.L., 1988: Hong Kong Trees, Omnibus Volume. 365. Urban Council, Hong Kong.
(above article is extracted from the Hong Kong Herbarium)
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香港植物標本室 :