2008年2月4日 星期一

3) 四個月的耕作在今天完結

It ends on Sunday, Feb. 3 2008.
Location : Wai Tsui Road, Braemar Hill, North Point, Hong Kong Island
Record Date : Feb. 3 2008
Time : 09:50
Weather : sunny
Temperature: centigrade 14 degree
Upper garden : field no. 1 to field no. 41, and Upper Demo 1 to Upper Demo 5.
Lower garden : field no. 42 to field no. 50, and Lower Demo 1 to Lower Demo 3.
1) 四個月的耕作在今天完結
2) 四個月的耕作在今天完結
reference :
康 樂 及 文 化 事 務 署 - 社 區 園 圃 計 http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/green/garden/b5/index.html

viewing from the water tank near the main entrance

viewing from the water tank near the main entrance

viewing from the water tank near the main entrance

viewing from the water tank near the main entrance

viewing at the corner which is opposite to the said water tank

viewing at the corner which is opposite to the said water tank.

viewing lower garden from the upper garden. Main entrance is at center left.

viewing lower garden from ypper garden. Main entrance is at the center left.
Shue Yan University (香港樹仁大學) is at the back.

