2008年2月4日 星期一

2) 四個月的耕作在今天完結

It ends on Sunday, Feb. 3 2008.
Location : Wai Tsui Road, Braemar Hill, North Point, Hong Kong Island
Record Date : Feb. 3 2008
Time : 09:50
Weather : sunny
Temperature: centigrade 14 degree
Upper garden : field no. 1 to field no. 41, and Upper Demo 1 to Upper Demo 5.
Lower garden : field no. 42 to field no. 50, and Lower Demo 1 to Lower Demo 3.
1) 四個月的耕作在今天完結
3) 四個月的耕作在今天完結
reference :
康 樂 及 文 化 事 務 署 - 社 區 園 圃 計 http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/green/garden/b5/index.html

Scandy's carrot

Scandy's cherry carrot

unknown carrot,sprout of daffodil(水仙頭)

Rovina's beetroot

uncle Chi's carrot, lettuce,green pepper

Or Tse's lettuce

unknown white carrot

Lilian's beetroot, 飛碟

Ada's white carrot

Hiker's beetroot

Hiker's and his bird

a close-up

bird's eyes view

