Highly recommend to see this exhibition with your family members.Children, photo-lovers, parents.........can know much more about something related to the earth and their beauty.
The Natural History Museum :
The Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2008 Competition :
" 英國的自然歷史博物館每年都會製作「野外生態攝影年展」,展出一年一度舉行的「野外生態攝影大賽」中的優勝作品。這個大賽始自1964年,已經成為全球數以千計的野外生態攝影家的盛事,而攝影展至今更造訪超過38個國家,足跡遍及南北美洲、歐洲、亞洲及澳洲。
The Natural History Museum of U.K. produces each year a new exhibition "The Wildlife Photographer of the Year", based upon winning entries of the BG Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition. Since its launching in 1964, the competition has become a major event for thousands of wildlife photographers around the world. The exhibition brought together by the winning entries now tours the world and has visited over 38 countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia.
The Hong Kong Science Museum is proud to present this distinguished exhibition as a double feature that includes the 2001 and 2002 winning entries. Combining artistic perspective, technical expertise and natural beauty of animals across arid deserts, amidst soaring mountains, through dense forests and below open oceans, these 200 images depict harmony in nature and carry the message of environmental protection. For city-dwellers like us, this exhibition would serve as a sanctuary from our daily chores. "
(extracted from the following website)
Refernece :
野外生態攝影年展 : http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/ce/Museum/Science/temp-exh/wildlifephoto/intro.htm
星期一、二、三及五 | : | 下午1時至晚上9時 |
星期六、日及公眾假期 | : | 上午10時至晚上9時 |
查詢熱線 : 2732 3232
入場費 常設展覽廳入場費
Ø 由攜票的成人陪同參觀的四歲以下小童免費入場 Ø 逢星期三免費入場 博物館週票/入場證
P.S. Wiley told me this exhibiton which is worth to see. Thanks! |
above photos come from the booklet of this exhibition