2011年5月4日 星期三

Feeling(感想) ... May. 2011

Photography is an interesting activity.
Here is the example ...
At same location , at different time period, I took photos there.
So, there are two sets of photos.
One is on Saturday, May 1 2011 (Nikon D300 Pinhole Camera),11:08
Another one is on Sunday May 2 2011 (Nikon Coolpix 8700 Camera),12:05

P1) f/0, 0mm, 1/20sec., ISO-3200, EV-0.3

P2) f/0, 0mm, 1/20sec., ISO-3200, EV-0.3
^^ I choose this one going to the WPPD Pinhole Day (HK) Competition ^^
WPPD Pinhole Photo Day HK Competition(看香港全球針孔攝影比賽)2011 :http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!qO8dQOiREQWuEoB9GgWFAD6xIA--/article?mid=52963

P3) f/0, 0mm, 1/20sec., ISO3200, EV-0.3

P4) f/0, 0mm, 1/20sec., ISO3200, EV-0.3
^^^ above photos are from Pinhole Camera ^^^

C1) f/5.1, 10mm, 1/186sec., ISO-200, EV-0.3

C2) f/5.1, 10mm, 1/167sec., ISO-200, EV-0.3

C3) f/5.9, 18mm, 1/81sec., ISO-200, EV-0.3
^^^ above photos are from Coolpix 8700 Camera ^^^
My feeling ...
As you can see these photos, none of them is the same.
There are so many factors to alter a photo's result, ...
... decision, luck, observation, experience,...
Photography is a good practice to enhance one's ...
...decision(當機立斷),timing(時機),observation(觀察),intention(用心), ...
... especially good for children.
  • Can君 Can君
    • Can君
    • 2011年5月4日下午2:57
    absolutely agree with you~
  • AdaWu AdaWu
    • AdaWu
    • 2011年5月4日上午11:58
    我完全贊成你的說法 !

