2011年1月17日 星期一

即興試食團 Jan. 16 2011

自利利他 ...
Description will be updated later ...
Reference 1:
大自然素食 Gaia Veggie Shop :

[招牌雀巢三色骨] :用新鮮猴頭菇做出士多啤梨骨、沙拉骨、九製陳皮骨
three different tastes on Hericium erinaceum(猴頭菇) - Strawberry,dried orange peel and salad

abalone, sea cucumber and mushroom pot (鮑參花菇一品煲)

supreme soy sauce fried fish cutlets (豉油王煎鯧魚塊)

Ladies A and B invited us (5persons) to share the above food with them.
I will tell you why it is soon.

We invited them(5 persons) to taste above eggplant as welll.

we ordered two dishes, one eggplant and one spaghetti

black pepper Hericium erinaceum(黑椒猴頭菇)
another meal ...

好料理 - 下午茶 (tea time), 大自然素食 (Gaia Veggie Shop) Dec. 2010 :

Reference 2 :

猴頭菇 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 :
猴頭菇(Hericium erinaceum)-山伏茸、生長因子、麩胺酸 ... :
何謂"猴頭菇"??? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ :
猴頭菇粟米紅腰豆瘦肉湯 :
Hericium Erinaceum in Singapore :
Hericium erinaceus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :
  • 渣古全 渣古全
    not ar...
  • Kitty Kitty
    • Kitty
    • 2011年1月27日上午10:58
    Hi, Hiker. It's lady B - Kitty Yau here, how are you? Hope everythig is fine.
    Sorry didn't come to visit you earlier as I'm busy for house decoration recent..
    Hi, Hiker. It's lady B - Kitty Yau here, how are you? Hope everythig is fine.
    Sorry didn't come to visit you earlier as I'm busy for house decoration recently.
    It's nice to meet all of you & we had really enjoyed that tea-time at Gaia Veggie Shop that day.
    Lady A - Gigi Leung's birthday dinner was held as scheduled & 30 guests came, seated 3 tables. It's successful as just what we expected. Gigi was extremely excited & could not stop laughing whole night. I'm sure that you will be happy to hear this.
    Anyway, thank you again & please send my best regards to Mrs. Pang, the young young wife.

    • Hiker Hiker
      • Hiker
      • 2011年1月27日下午9:54
      I am glad to hear that all of you so enjoyable in Gigi's birthday dinner
      Nice to meet you all!
      P.S. please forward my wishes to Gigi ...
      ... H a p p y B i r t h d a y t o G i g i
  • 潮人 潮人
    • 潮人
    • 2011年1月18日下午1:30
    • Hiker Hiker
      • Hiker
      • 2011年1月27日下午9:55
      Yes, and yummy as well ...
  • rubydiana rubydiana
    so many dishes, how many people to eat?
    • Hiker Hiker
      • Hiker
      • 2011年1月27日下午9:56
      seven persons in total.
  • 渣古全 渣古全
    • Hiker Hiker
      • Hiker
      • 2011年1月27日下午9:56
      Have you been there as well?

