2011年1月12日 星期三

Don't miss it ... tonight, pearl 930 Jan. 12 2011

It is worth to watch(人在野/Man VS Wild ) how to survive in the wild(荒野求生秘技) ...
tonight Pearl 930, Wednesday, January 12 2011

"The Deep South"
Nicholas WhileJeff GalpinAugust 27, 2008 (2008-08-27)
Grylls enters the swamps of Louisiana where he kills an alligator with a knife, and catches a catfish with his bare hands

The coming episode on Wednesday, January 19, 2010 is ...
313"Ireland"Scott TankardAndrew WoodSeptember 3, 2008 (2008-09-03)
Grylls jumps from a boat a kilometre off the west coast of Ireland. He travels down the coast before turning inland to cross the bogs. Here he retrieves a sheep carcass from a bog whose skin he uses as a sleeping bag (sheeping bag), a waterproof sack, and a flotation device.

Reference :

Don't miss it ... :

List of Man vs. Wild episodes - Wikipedia, the free ... :

  • Rainbow Rainbow
    • Rainbow
    • 2011年1月13日上午10:31
    I saw it last night, wisdom and strength is very importment to survive in the wild.
    • Hiker Hiker
      • Hiker
      • 2011年1月16日上午9:23
      and knowledge as well, so let us keeping watching ...
      Who knows when we shall need such natural food later ...

