Photo P1
P1) standing in between Prince's Building/太子大廈 and Statue Square/皇后像廣場,
viewing Legislative Council Building/立法會大樓
Photo P2
P2) standing in between Prince's Building/太子大廈 and Statue Square/皇后像廣場,
viewing towards Standard Charter Bank/渣打銀行(right/右) and Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank[HSBC]/香港匯豐銀行(left/左)
Photo P3
P3) standing in between Prince's Building/太子大廈 and Statue Square/皇后像廣場,
viewing Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank[HSBC](front at frist/前1),
Bank Of China old building/中銀大廈 (second/2),
Bank Of China Tower/中銀大廈(Third/3),
and Cheung kong Centre/長江集團中心(at the back of old BOC/中銀大廈背後).
Photo P4
P4) standing near the zebra crossing at Chater Garden/遮打花園 just facing the BOC Tower,
viewing Asia Pacific Centre/亞太金融中心(middle/中間)
Photo P5
P5) standing the staircase by the side of BOC Tower/中銀大廈,
viewing Asia Pacific Centre/亞太金融中心(middle/中間)
Photo P6
P6) standing at the pedestrian path near Murray Building/美利大廈,
viewing St. John's Cathedral/聖約翰座堂(middle) and HSBC/香港匯豐銀行(at the back/背後)
... walking towards Pure Veggie House(心齋).
1/3 心齋(Pure Veggie House) Jan. 2011 :!qO8dQOiREQWuEoB9GgWFAD6xIA--/article?mid=50146
- Eve Puifirst visit ur blog, nice pics, nice trip ~ keep going ~ but i would like more words to describe ur trips