What a good place for teatime ...
What a good place for relaxation ...
What a good place for good taste ...
What a best buy!
Half price all days at 15:00 - 17:00 ! Including holidays.
all of them are delicious!
Reference :
大自然素食 Gaia Veggie Shop :
Top order ...
8 pieces per bowl
- Causeway Bay,
- Gaia Veggie Shop,
- tea time,
- vegetarian,
- 下午茶,
- 大自然素食,
- 好料理,
- 素食,
- 銅鑼灣,
- 飲食
- 愚我只顧食...
- 愚我試左了﹗食左芝士牛油果鮪魚焗多士、炒四季豆、美極燒豆腐、魚生肉崧卷,最後還有甜品奉送﹗味道不錯,我最愛吃美極豆腐。侍應比左張其他分店的卡片我,原來都是95折的卡(同一張),今餐就可以用了,結賬是$229.9。
- RainbowThe food looks attractive, but have to adjust the meal time for that day, because 3-5pm is not a proper time for meal, and it is too much for afternoon tea, and you tends to eat more...
- 絲最鍾意去大自然食野,正,仲有半價優惠,公罛假期有無優惠架?