2010年5月9日 星期日

~21:00 May 2 - 20:41 May 9 2010

I found that the broadband modem was malfunction at around 21:00 Sunday, May 2 2010.
I reported to Icable on Sunday night.
A service was scheduled to do on Monday May 3 2010.
On Monday, A icable staff, by phone, told me that There was no need to repair the moden as an outdoor repair was in progress.
On Thursday, I checked with Icable staff who replied that the repair needed five to seven working days.
At 20:41, Sunday 9 2010, all tv channels disappeared suddenly but they came back in ten seconds. Oh ! .....
Perhaps the broad band modem is staring to work at this moment, therfore I switch it on ...
It is great to see all (four) leds on.
  • CY CY
    • CY
    • 2010年5月10日下午8:39
    Ha......Glad to know that it back to normal ...I believe you hardly leave the day without it. I can't work without internet. That 's for sure !
    • Hiker Hiker
      • Hiker
      • 2010年5月11日下午11:43
      he, he, agree with you but I try to not so close to internet - I mean that don't hold it for a long time per day, just a hug is ok.

