2009年11月1日 星期日

What I saw in a walk Nov. 2009

有生有熟 (rare and well-done)
每個有三英吋半闊 (each one is 3.5 inches width)

成功越過 (go over successfully)
螞蟻有 3/8 英吋長 (the ant is 3/8 inch in length)

山橙(wild orange ) - 不可吃 (not eatable )
直徑三英吋 (three inches in diameter)

美 ( beauty)

可愛 (cute) - 小蛇 (a small snake)
十二英吋長 ( twelve inches length), 直徑5/16英吋 (5/16 inch diameter)

鐵鳥 (metal bird)

大頭茶 (Gordonia axillaris)
有兩英吋闊 (two inches width)

大頭茶果實為木質蒴果,種子有翅 (seeds of Gordonia axillaris)
果實有一英吋半高 (the fruit is one inch half height)

野百合 (wild lily) ?
大的有四英吋闊 (the biggest one is four inches width)

羊蹄甲 (Bauhinia)

郊野公園洗手間 (a toilet in country park)

夕陽 (sunset)

漂移 (drifting)

Wow! does it come from the sky above?
that means they also use the milk power for feeding ...

不知名昆蟲 (unknown insect) - 稍後查明 (find it out later)
5/8 英吋長 (5/8 inche length)

