2008年5月23日 星期五

5k)立山黒部 : 雷鳥莊 - outdoor activities (b)

Can you see the snow/ice is melting at the photo below?

It is so easy to downhill by skiing (a) ...... very fast

It is so easy to downhill by skiing (b) ...... so fast

It needs loger time on foot (a) ........ slowly

It needs longer time on foot (b) ........ so slow

It needs longer time on foot .........leisurely

walk ..... walk ..... walk .......

........ see .... see ......see .......

.....rest ......rest.......rest.......

....... drink.....drink.....drink ........


........ on .......

........... on ... and on ...............

when and where to start the skiing .......... Yes, at the top of this slope .........


The sun is holding us so tight (a)

The sun is holding us so tight (b)
5l)立山黒部 : 雷鳥莊 - outdoor activities (c) :
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