2007年8月31日 星期五

飲食健康篇 - 米粉,河粉


2007年8月28日 星期二

This is my second digital camera - Casio EX-Z120

Some of the photos in this blog come from this camera. It goes to heaven at two years old in June 2007 as I dropped it on the ground of a mini bus at Sai Kung , Hong Kong. I will miss it as it give me some beautiful and funny photos. It is easily to carry with me. I always keep it in my backpack or trousers' pocket.
specification of Casio EX-Z120:


This is my frist digital camera - Nikon Coolpix 8700

I bought it in October 2004 while I planned to have a trip to Japan.
Most of the photos in this blog come from this camera.

Specification of Nokon Coolpix 8700 camera:


2007年8月27日 星期一

看過的書 - 漫畫 - Algo

漫畫名稱 : Algo 3全
出版社: 集英社
書號: BJC851, 262 pages
BJC852, 260 pages
BJC853, 233 pages
460 Yen each

Algo 1 cover (封面)

a brief introduction of author (作者簡介)

Algo 1

Algo 2 cover (封面)

Algo 2

Algo 3 cover (封面)

Algo 3

家庭菜園 - 大埔 - 番薯 ( sweet potato )

I made the soil up side down on two rows. Today, they buried the sweet potato stems into 1.5 row.

"Park Yau" removed the grass near the tao

Three rows of sweet potato, left and right planted on 25/8/07, center row planted on 18/8/07

hoe and spade

家庭菜園,大埔,絲瓜 (loofah)

絲瓜花 (loofah flower)


2007年8月26日 星期日


It triggers me having folloing thoughts:
-----------------------update later---------------

看過的書 - 女性健美訓練圖解 2/2

看過的書 - 女性健美訓練圖解 1/2

I think that this book is useful for those who wants to know the relationship between muscle and excercise. It is also an additional tools for learning massage, physiotherapy,fitness.
I did not see any other book for male. I will upload at here if I see it.

看過的書 - 食品真相大揭祕

There is a Japanese, who is the master of food production, can add natural/chemical substance into the raw material of food in order to have delicious food.
later, when he sees his children eating these type of food. He realise that he has to quit the job and tell us the how to produce low grade food.
It is worth to spend a lot of time to read the whole book.

看過的書 - 栽種有機菜

看過的書 - 防治腱/肌勞損

2007年8月24日 星期五



............. 像不像一個人物看著手上的什麼? 可以看見他/她的眼睛,口和鼻嗎?

像不像一?燒熟了,切開一半的魷魚. 從切口向尾部看.


