2007年6月22日 星期五

Interior of an old tram in Hong Kong(舊電車的內部)

Photos of the interior of an old tram were taken in June 2007. There are two driving cabs at both ends of the tram, therefore it can running in two directions without turning around.
If you want to see the new tram, please go to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!qO8dQOiREQWuEoB9GgWFAD6xIA--/article?mid=2071&fid=27
Old old tram: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!qO8dQOiREQWuEoB9GgWFAD6xIA--/article?mid=4542&prev=-1&next=4541

driving cab

control devices


lower decker

a ladder to upper decker

going to upper decker
upper decker

