2007年3月12日 星期一

Tree Planting - 10/3/2007

A Tree Planting in Kadoorie farm on Saturday afternoon, 10/3/2007
Why do we need to do Tree planting in Hong Kong?
Following information is extracted from KFBG article:
***** Causes of deforestation in Hong Kong *****
When it occurred is uncertain, It was mostly likely in the period from 1300 to 1600 AD. In17th centry, Hong Kong's landscape was described as largely Barren.
Clearnce for cultivation, cutting for firewood and charcoal, and hill fires are believed to be the main causes of deforestation.
With the repid economic advancement and the gradual decline in agriculture In the last twodecades, only hill fires remain a serious threat.. Urban development in rural areas also forms an additional threat in lowlands.
Remarks: As hill fire is the main recent cause for forest destruction, which is initiated by people's rashness or even well intention. All are reminded not to leave any single fire in the countryside.
Forest Succession - ?????
Afforestation - coming soon

Teachers were doing the Tree Planting at the northern slope of Tai Mo Shan near KFBG

Students were doing the Tree Planting at the northern slope of Tai Mo Shan near KFBG

Kwun Yum Shan /觀音山(rear/後)

Tai To Yan is in the mist (rear)

Twin Pavilion (left)

The mini buses are waiting for our return after Tree Planting

