2014年1月17日 星期五

Pali exercise 16ii


ā  ḍ  ē  ê  ḥ  ī  î  ḷ  ṃ  ñ  ṇ  ṅ  ō  ô  ṝ  ṛ  ṭ  ṣ  ś  ū

           katama : [adj.] which; what; which of the many.
          katama: a. 何者?
          katamá as, ā, at mfn. (superlative of 2. ka
• declined as a pronom., Gram. 236), who or which of many? (e.g. katamena pathā yātās te, by which road have they gone?) ...


yo       yo : [nom. sin. of ya] any person; whoever.

            kāmesi : [aor. of kāmeti] craved; desired.

                                kāmasukhallika([kāmasukha欲的樂]+[allika新鮮(a.)]): 欲的樂及新鮮
                                              anuyoga (Sanskrit). The fifth level of tantric teachings according to the Nyingma school, equivalent in some respects to the Mother Tantra class of the New Schools. The tantric texts that form this category are unique to the Nyingma school.

                                       Anuyoga [Sk. anuyoga, fr. anu + yuj] 1. application, devo- tion to ( -- ˚), execution, practice of ( -- ˚); often combd. with anuyutta in phrase ˚anuyogaŋ anuyutta = practising
                                   2. invitation, appeal, question (cp. anuyuñjati 2) Miln 10 (ācariyassa ˚ŋ datvā).
                                  anuyoga(<[anu]+[yuj致力]): m. 隨致力

                         hīna : [pp. of hāyati] diminished; dwindled; wasted away. (adj.), low; inferior; base; despicable.
                       Hīna [pp. of jahati] 1. inferior, low; poor, miserable; vile, base, abject, contemptible, despicable  ......
                        hīna: 1. pp. of [jahati捨斷] 2. a. 低劣
                             【形】 低的,劣等的,低級的,可鄙的。~jacca,【形】 出生低賤的。~viriya,【形】 缺乏活力的。~adhimuttika,【形】 愛好劣等的。

                  gamma : [adj.] vulgar; what should be understood or attained.
                  Gamma (adj.) [fr. gāma. Vedic gramya] of or belonging to the village, common, pagan (cp. Fr. villain), always combd with hīna, low & pagan Vin i.10 and ≈ (anta, standard of life); A iii.325 (dassana, view); D iii.130 (sukhallikânuyoga, hedonist) Sdhp 254. Cp. pothujjanika.                     gamma(<[gāma]): I. a. 村野 II. ger. of [gacchati.落入]

                    Pothujjanika (adj.) [fr. puthujjana] belonging to ordinary man, common, ordinary, in 2 combns viz. (1) phrase hīna gamma p. anariya Vin i.10; S iv.330; Av.216; (2) with ref. to iddhi Vin ii.183; J i.360; Vism 97. <-> Cp. Vin. Texts iii.230. The BSk. forms are either pārthag -- janika Lal. Vist 540, or prāthug -- janika MVastu iii.331.

             anariya : [adj.] ignoble; vulgar.
              Anariya (adj.) [an + ariya, see also anāriya] not Aiyan, ignoble, low Vin i.10; D iii.232 (˚vohāra, 3 sets of 4; the same at Vin v.125); Sn 664, 782 (˚dhamma); Pug 13. -- See ariya.
              anariya([an]+[ariya]): a. 非聖

                   anatthasaṃhita([an][attha義利][saṃhita連結(pp.): a. 未連結義利

