2010年3月22日 星期一

Modem was malfunction again ... Mar. 20 2010

... on Saturday morning, Mar. 20 2010.
Although Icable wanted to provide service to me on Sunday, I did notihave time.
I hope that it will be fixed at last on coming Wednesday.
Action : replaced the connector at the "block".



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  • Hiker Hiker
    • Hiker
    • 2010年3月25日上午9:16
    I can do the file editing and photo uploading today morning.
  • Hiker Hiker
    • Hiker
    • 2010年3月24日下午10:41
    Although the modem has been fixed tonight, I still cannot create a new photo album or write a new article.
    I do not know whether it is the problem of Icable or Yahoo.

