2012年4月16日 星期一

New phase of my prosumer grade camera 8 Apr. 2012

On Sunday, April 8, 2012, the Nikon COOLPIX 8700 camera quietly entered into a new phase - a number of scan lines and too bright in the photographs taken after the zoom.

Nikon has already stopped to provide maintenance services on this model. The camera only provides limited purpose - a 35mm wide-angle lens camera, no zoom, no macro.

After studying the current new model, I will consider the second edition of Fujifilm X Pro 1 camera.
I hope it's focus speed will be improved.

上週日,2012年4月8日,尼康COOLPIX 8700相機悄然進入了另一個階段,它的變焦功能不能用了,因為變焦後所拍的照片中有許多的掃描線和太光亮。

由於尼康停止對這個型號提供維修服務,相機只能作有限用途 - 一個35mm廣角鏡相機,沒有變焦,沒有微距。

研究當前的新型號後,我會考慮第二版的富士X PRO1相機。

It looks like our body. the flexibility,function and energy is gradually declined.

Reference :
Fujifilm X Pro 1 camera specifications :

a number of scan lines and too bright in the photographs taken after the zoom.

