2009年7月7日 星期二

Tea time(下午茶) June 2009

Delicious! not salty.
Available on Saturday, Sunday and public holiday.
Two typies of price - HK$ 42 and 52(no other charges and no service charge)
Time : 15:00 - 16:15 (last order is at 15:45)
Location: 金滿庭京川滬菜,Times Square, Causeway Bay (do not know other branches' status)
Order dishes on menu at tea time period is less 20 % ( do not know whether service charge is needed)
A. HK$ 42 : 雞絲粉皮 + 排骨拉麵 (other combination is available)
B. HK$ 52 : 四喜烤夫 + 楊洲炒飯 (other combination is available)
You can read the tea time menu clearly at the blog photo album.
Please guess ... What is it ? July 2009 :http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!qO8dQOiREQWuEoB9GgWFAD6xIA--/article?mid=33902
Reference :
川滬 Jingchuanhu 中菜館 Chinese Restaurant 金滿庭京川滬菜 ... :

A 1

B 1

A 2

B 2

