Years ago there were so many " Dai Pai Dong " along the pavement in small streets. we could easily found them in old residential area and somewhere near the markets. They provided delicious meals, dessert and Chinese traditional snacks. The price is low but the quality is good.
Due to the number of citizens are increasing gradually, We have to increase much more rooms for vehicles. Therefore, Government started to build a complex which provides a market, cooked food, indoor sport ground, and the library in some of them.
The complex is near the pier and bus terminal at North Point.
Now, There are not so many " Dai Pai Dong " left in the streets. Most of them move into the complex.
I will try to find some " Dai Pai Dong " photos uploaded in my blog for reference.
Uncle Chi told me that there is a best place to have the " Cheung Fan " dim sum which is made right after your order. The foods are the best buy. we can taste the food which we have tasted in our childhood.
This cooked food place looks like Food Plaza ( Lau Ba Sha ) in Singapore.
Some reference about Cantonese rice dumpling (廣東粽) :!qO8dQOiREQWuEoB9GgWFAD6xIA--/article?mid=4337&prev=-1&next=4327
sliced beef congee
Chinese frying snacks
Sliced pork congee and " Cheung Fan "
Modern " Dai Pie Dong " on 2nd floor of
Mother and daughters look after this food shop