2012年6月16日 星期六

Pc Malfunction June 16 2012

The PC is malfunction in June 16 2012.

It shows the cpu fan failure.

It does work after the cpu box fan replaced.

2012年5月29日 星期二

a cleaning mission(清潔任務) May 2012


Last night, two "Fleet"s completed the cleaning action,
It was the preparation, at home, of the colonoscopy checking this morning.

18:00, 用第一包“艦隊"(45cc)混合355cc水成為兩杯有檸檬味和咸咸地的飲料,喝下之後,
在18:00 - 21:00再喝一公升或以上的水
21:00, 用第二包“艦隊"(45cc)混合355cc水成為兩杯有檸檬味和咸咸地的飲料,喝下之後,
在21:00 - 24:00再喝一公升或以上的水
18:00, to mix first pack of "fleet" (45cc) with 355cc water in two cups of lemon flavor and salty drinks and drink them all.
18:00 - 21:00, then, drink one liter or more of water
21:00, to mix second pack of "fleet" (45cc) with 355cc water in two cups of lemon flavor and salty drinks and drink them all.
21:00 - 24:00, then,drink one liter or more of water

在結腸鏡檢查完結後,Dr.Y.Hui說:“ 腸道是那麼乾淨. ”
觀看照片後,我說:“ 好乾淨 ! ”,以及 ......
“ 好清楚. ”。 ......

After the colonoscopy action, Dr.Y.Hui said " The intestine is so clean. "

After viewing the photos, I said " So Clean " and ......
" So clear ." as well. ......
The macro photos are very good !

P.S. 2012年5月29日08:00,照腸鏡

doing the colonoscopy checking at 08:00 May 29 2012

2012年5月27日 星期日

What do you see(你看到了什麼)? May 2012

The answer is at bottom of this article.

The answer(答案) :
The dog's hair on the ground looks like a dog's head

P.S. Hiker's wife told me that in a pavilion in Tai Tam Country Park.

  • 咪咪 咪咪
    • 咪咪
    • 2012年7月18日上午11:20
    I see at a glance, like a Shi Na Sha Gouzi head ... ^^
    • Hiker Hiker
      • Hiker
      • 2012年7月20日下午2:22
      You have a Shi Na Sha Gouzi. I think. Right?
  • 渣古全 渣古全
    真係好似, 有眼和鼻
    • Hiker Hiker
      • Hiker
      • 2012年7月12日下午4:44
      It is similar to clouds. We can find out so many things.
  • aroma aroma
    • aroma
    • 2012年5月28日下午5:02
    • Hiker Hiker
      • Hiker
      • 2012年7月12日下午4:45
      A test of imagination.

2012年5月26日 星期六

temptation(誘惑) May 2012

Walking along the Tai Tam Reservoir Road in Tai Tam Country Park, ...

Saw a ripe bayberry on a wooden table on the roadside, ...

走前去拍攝一些特寫照片, ...
While taking some close-up photos, ...

In the viewfinder, saw a woman slowly approaching .

Not far away from the wooden table, a bayberry tree is full of wine red ripe fruits.

2012年5月25日 星期五

青春無悔(Youth without any regrets) May 2012

非常好! 聽他們的談話兩個小時. 真幸運!

Very good! Two hours of listening to their conversation. Very lucky!
I will try to recall what they said from my memory and make a summary,
so I can refresh my memory periodically.

The talk(談話) :

青春無悔 - 衍空法師與梁文道居士對談 [名額已滿]
日期:2012-05-23 至2012-05-23 相片
時間:2012-05-23 7:30pm - 9:00pm
地點:香港大學研究生堂王賡武講堂 (地圖)
活動類別:Dhamma Talk(弘法 / 講座)

Reference :

全球動態- 佛門網- 活動-青春無悔- 衍空法師與梁文道居士對談[名額已滿] :

青春無悔- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 :

青春無悔=若者のすべて-日本偶像劇場 :http://dorama.info/drama-49.html

Tina Turner -70 years old

大潭見2012(Tai Tam View 2012) May. 2012

成長中的楊梅(the growing Myrica rubra Sieb) May. 2012 :