2008年5月30日 星期五

5p) 立山黒部 : Murodo(室堂) ---> Tengudaira(天狗平)

You can see these snow walls on the road from Murodo(室堂) to Midagahara(弥陀ヶ原).
At Murodo station, there are two type of bus leaving for Bijodaira (美女平). One is non-stop.Another one has the following stops....
Murodo (室堂) ---> bus ---> Tengudaira (天狗平) ---> bus ---> Midagahara (弥陀ヶ原) ---> bus ---> Bijodaira (美女平) ---> Tram ---> Tateyama (立山)
If you do not stay at the accommodation - 天狗平山莊, or start the skiing to Midagahara(弥陀ヶ原).you can skip this stop.
What I can see at Tengudaira (天狗平) are uploaded at here.
天狗平山荘-じゃらんnet : http://www.jalan.net/jalan/jweb/yado/YADS_371103.HTML
立山 天狗平山荘 : http://www.tengu.ne.jp/
立山黑部自助旅行 - 中部北陸 : http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/archive/index.php/t-806.html
Japan Alps : http://pclinms.myweb.hinet.net/diary/

Midagahara (弥陀ヶ原) (bottom)

bus stop


I put two stones to be the eyes on it

a closeup

then the boy added a pair of glass on another one

Raicho-So staff delivered unknown material to 天狗平山莊

5q) 立山黒部 : Midagahara (弥陀ヶ原) :
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立山黒部之旅 29/4 - 6/5/2008 :

