Our first visit in Nagoya city.............
中部国際空港アクセス 時刻表 http://www.meitetsu.co.jp/airportaccess/timetable/access_j05_01.html
It looks like Kai Tak Air Port in 50/60's. Right?
The trains running from air port to Nagoya are in 3 types,(特快,特急,急).
特快 - ??? Yen ~29mins. (update later)
特急 - 850Yen ~36mins.
急 - 850Yen ~45mins.
We chose 特急 or 急.
Have you heard of " travelling by ship from HK to Macau could have a bowl of BBQ pork rice free of charge"?
Now, take a train and have cigarettes free. Do you dare to take one?
かけそば(蕎麦麺) at Nagoya JR train station - 430 Yen
かけそば(蕎麦麺) at train platform outside Nagoya in countryside - 370Yen
Noodles at the train platform .... Still delicious! The aroma of the soup goes into everywhere of my body and wakes up the smell nerve cells........Yeah ! That is the smell I want.......So miss you....My friend.........
Takashimaya department store(高島屋), it looks like the five flag poles in Tsim Sha Tsui near the Star Ferry Pier.
The entrance of the Meitetsu train station(名鉄) at Nagoya city
We left the airport express train, came out at this exit, crossed the road and went into JR train Station.
1e) 抵達名古屋b 29/4/2008 :
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立山黒部之旅 29/4 - 6/5/2008 :