2008年5月17日 星期六

2s)中津川: 馬籠宿 - 妻籠宿.......南木曽JR駅 - 名古屋JR駅 and dinner

The walking trail from 馬籠宿 to 妻籠宿 is 7.7km ~ 9km.
The uphill slope is shorter at 馬籠宿 - 馬籠峠, therefore starting the walk at 馬籠宿 is better.
This route is suitable for anyone from age 6 to 60.If you can walk 4km/hour,it is the average speed. If not, you have to take longer time but need to check when the last bus is at the finish point 妻籠宿.
名古屋JR駅 ---> by train, 中央本線---> 中津川 ---> by bus ---> 馬籠宿 ---> uphill,gentle slope,on foot ---> 馬籠 峠 ---> down hill, gentle slope,on foot ---> 馬籠 峠入口 ---> on foot ---> 大妻籠 ---> on foot ---> 妻籠宿 ---> by bus ---> 南木曽JR駅
Nagoya - 名古屋
Nakatsukawa - 中津川
Magome - 馬籠宿
Tsumago - 妻籠宿
Nagiso - 南木曽

You can see the whole map at http://www.kiso-magome.com/ibent/migaru.htm
歩いてみよう 馬籠~妻籠(徒歩2.5時間~3時間)(プリントしてお持ち下さい)

You can see the whole map at http://www.tumago.jp/hiking/index.html

中央本線下り: http://www.town.nagiso.nagano.jp/html/diakudari.htm
中央本線上り: http://www.town.nagiso.nagano.jp/html/dianobori.htm
JR中央本線: http://www.uraken.net/rail/travel-urabe6a.html
中津川市駅前観光案内所 : http://e-nakatsugawa.jp/
馬籠宿~JR中津川駅/JR南木曽・妻籠宿定期バス時刻: http://www.takenet.or.jp/~marutaji/bus.htm
馬籠観光協会: http://www.kiso-magome.com/
妻籠観光協会: http://www.tumago.jp/

arrived Nagoya JR station

we saw the shinkansen

and the local train

so clear

the toilet inside Nagoya JR station

our next target

the tourist information counter told us that this pork rice is famous at here

after tasted it, no surprise.

miso tongatsu 1155Yen

advertisment in underground street
the bus driver salary is 250,000Yen per month
10,000 Yen = HK$744 so 250,000 = HK$18,600

while walking towards the hotel after dinner, we saw so many Karaok shops/buildings by the side of the road

night scenery at Sakae, a place for businness men to go after office

3a) 高山 : 白川鄉 breakfast at Silk Tree Hotel :
back to main list of 中津川: 馬籠宿 - 妻籠宿 :
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立山黒部之旅 29/4 - 6/5/2008 :

