2011年4月3日 星期日

「覺知 念之」三日禪」

We joined the 3 days meditation at the location below.
It is very good. It is suitable for meditation new comers or experienced persons.
Master Hin Kit(衍傑法師) tells us how to use the most simple way to take care of our mind.
I feel that what she teach us is also applicable universally for different races and religions as well.
I have been already washed physically and mentally in these three days therefore I feel my body sensitbility and quality gradually going back to approach what they should have.
I know that keeping on to do 30 minutes meditation twice per day as what Master Hin Kit said, can let me have better quality of body and life.
Thanks Master Hin Kit(衍傑法師) !
Don't miss the coming mediatation gathering ...
2011/04/01 - 2011/04/03
「覺知 念之」三日禪 (3天) | HKU 嘉道理研究所石崗中心
地點: HKU 嘉道理研究所石崗中心
顯示狀態: 空閒

「覺知 念之」三日禪」的得著 Apr. 2011 :

Reference :

大覺福行中心 :
香港大學嘉道理農業研究所 :

